The current situation poses great challenges for us all: Each of us is directly or indirectly affected by the impact of the corona virus. We are all experiencing a situation that nobody could have imagined recently. But crises always hold opportunities.

An example is the online hackathon #WirvsVirus organized by The Federal Government of Germany. During the past two days more than 42,000 people took part in the hackathon in over 1,500 projects. The hackathon ideas dealt with alleviating the problems caused by the virus with digital approaches as well as solving them in the future.

ITQ was actively involved with some 20 ITQ-employees and submitted a total of 7 ideas. The submitted challenge Symptom Tracker was accepted by the jury and then developed by up to 30 people in 48 hours. The idea of the Symptom Tracker is to systematically track the symptoms of a corona infection.

Other ITQ team members have dealt with the topic of platforms for neighborhood help (MetaHelferHelden) and successfully combined 4 existing aid projects and the further development of the platform

The fact that such a large digital event, with so many innovative ideas, was brought up in Germany in record time, encourages us personally and gives hope in this uncertain time. Thanks to all participants and brave people!

#stayathome #besafe #engineersvsvirus

WirVsVirus – Symptom-Tracker Video


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